Dear Amazon,

Since time immemorial, free markets have been the foundation for trading goods and services, with continuous efforts to maintain their integrity and trustworthiness. However, the current approach of treating sellers as guilty until proven innocent undermines this tradition. Most sellers operate in good faith and have done so for decades, yet they are often treated as pariahs.

As both the executor and arbiter of enforcement, Amazon holds significant power in shaping the marketplace. We, as sellers, have ideas on how to solve this quandary and would welcome the opportunity to collaborate on solutions. Selling with the constant fear that our livelihoods could be upended at any moment is untenable and detrimental to the marketplace as a whole.

As evidenced by this website, which helps sellers navigate the murky waters of Amazon's policies, we are committed to improving the marketplace experience for everyone. We urge Amazon to reconsider its approach and work with us to address these issues. By fostering a collaborative environment and assuming good faith, we can enhance the trustworthiness of the marketplace, benefiting both sellers and Amazon.

We invite Amazon to reach out to us and would be happy to meet to discuss this further. We hope for a future where sellers and Amazon can work together to uphold the values of trust and fairness that are essential to a thriving marketplace.

AVS Team